Preschool Rooms

Our Preschool Classrooms are “mixed age,” with children ranging in age from 3-6 years old. This age range is fundamental to the Montessori method and creates a community of understanding and helping. The older children serve as peer models to the younger children and often help introduce works to new students. Our teacher to child ratio always remains well within the state guidelines.

Use a rug for all floor activities

  • All parts of the activity stay on the rug
  • Sit next to the rug
  • Walk around another rug and walk around own rug
  • Roll up the rug and return to the rug holder when finished
  • Carry rug safely (hug to body)

Use a table mat for all table activities

  • Carry mat and materials with two hands
  • All materials stay on the mat
  • Return mat when finished


  • Use two hands to carry a chair (with legs pointed toward the floor)
  • Push in the chair with two hands whenever you get up. (Even if you are returning with more work.)



  • When you need a teacher, walk over to him/her, touch their shoulder or arm and wait for them to respond.
  • When you want to join a child, ask if you may. The child has the right to say “yes” or “no thank you.”
    • If no thank you, ask another child if you want to observe his/her work.

Wash your hands:

  • Before you eat snack/lunch
  • Before preparing food
  • After using the toilet
  • After using clay/play dough

When eating snack, start with one of whatever is being offered. You may go back for one more at a time.

Tell the teacher when you are leaving the room:

  • To use the bathroom
  • To get a drink
  • To go to your locker

A Typical Preschool Day

This is a sample of what a typical day may look like. However, the final schedule is determined by the age and dynamics of the class.

  • 7-8:30 am:  Before School Care
  • 8:30 am:  School begins, teacher greet children
  • 8:45 am:  Morning Circle and Presentations
  • 9:05 am: Work Time (Kindergarten session)
  • Morning Snack
  • 10:30 am: Specials: Music, Movement, Art, Cooking, Outdoor Work
  • Lunch
  • 12:00 pm: Outside Playtime
  • 12:30 pm: Morning Children Dismissed, Napping Children Prepare for Nap
  • 3:00 pm: Wake-Up and Snack; Dismissal for Full Day Children
  • 3-5:30 pm: After School Care